Friday, December 3, 2010

I think router manufacturers are the first to get it.

Ok, we all know people are inherently stupid. Its a fact, we all know it and very few of us admit out loud. Most companies still treat us like we are all brilliant. Take computer manufacturers for example. Seriously, name one computer that out of the box, is easy to use? Apple and Steve Jobs have done their best and are the closest, yet still, if grandma can’t go two weeks from purchase without a phone call to you, they have not got it.

This past thanksgiving, I purchased a Belkin router from Wally World for my mother. The model and location were picked purely for fiduciary reasons. When I opened the box my socks barely stayed on. Belkin had the ethernet cable already plugged into the WAN port, the power supply plugged into its location and a card with a SSID and WPA w/ password already setup. You literally just unplugged the ethernet cable on your modem and plugged it into one of the open ports on the router, and plugged the yellow ethernet on the router into the modem. It had a well drawn pic setup of this too!

Congrats and a shoutout to Belkin for being, in my opinion, the first tech company to acknowledge their customers are idiots and make their products usable to them.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Health Care debate USA '09

How can a land that prides itself on flag waving and freedom turn its back on so many millions of its citizens. I am chiming in on this topic with a quick thought from both sides of the fence. Having spent most of my life living in Canada, I can put to rest the questions of single payer health coverage. As with every type of health coverage serving a large populous, it has its flaws, but nothing like the smear campaign is saying here in the US right now. Never was I refused service or forced to wait long times for treatment. On the contrary, my experience was prompt, professional and first class. The wait times I had were similar to those of the waits in the US and in some cases, quicker. I was never given Rx unless absolutely required, unlike the profit driven model we have here in the states. If people want to know why Americans are addicted to Rx drugs, take a look at the system that allows for easy access to drugs that are far worse than most street drugs. Just look at the " side effects" of most of these drugs. This will never happen untill we take the power from these drug companies that look more like billion dollar drug pushers. America needs to wake up and realize they are paying more than anyone else for health care and getting far less in return. This is not a left right issue, its a humanitarian issue. Health care should be a basic human right and not a privelage. Thats my two sense.